Laboratory of chemical analyses
The laboratory deals with the study of phytochemicals in various plant extracts. In the scientific research of selective extraction of medicinal plants, we use analytical methods for determining specific phytochemicals in the extraction sample. Based on analytical measurements, we propose modern methods of the process of extracting medicinal plants for food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical purposes. If you need analytical methods in your business, definitely contact us contact.
Cosmetics development laboratory
It uses scientific knowledge about the application of medicinal plants in the design of cosmetic formulas. It specializes in research and development of personalized natural cosmetic products. We prepare and design products for customers based on the diagnosis established by a dermatologist and in cooperation with the professional care of selected beauty salons. If you are determined and want to propose, natural customized cosmetic product, all we need is us to contact.
Laboratory of extraction technologies
It covers the development of projects for companies that are interested in the design of customized extraction technologies. The company's project portfolio begins with the research of medicinal plants, the selection of suitable extraction processes. Projects are implemented in the field of material engineering, food and cosmetics industry. If you are ready to take your business to the next level, do not hesitate to contact us accountto know